The Milky Way has a season?

Being a nurse allows for a great deal of flexibility in ones schedule. It also allows for a great deal of time off. Flexibility and free time mixed in with a healthy dose of wanderlust not properly utilized makes for a very unsettled and cranky individual. How lucky am I then to have found a partner who not only loves to travel with me but supports me in my solo travels (she will admit that she does have a bit of jealousy).

In October 2017 I traveled to my home state of Texas. This would be my third trip to Texas since moving to Canada in 2012. The two trips prior to this one left me feeling unsettled personally. There never seemed to be enough time to see everyone and do everything (thanks Dallas traffic). I had made a conscious decision this time to be honest with myself and with my friends about my time and lack thereof. I prioritized a much thought about and unrealized dream of a road trip with a friend. I prioritized an event that was celebrating the a hard earned promotion of a friend. I prioritized one on one time with a close friend. No group get togethers. No apologies. No guilt...ok there was a little bit of guilt. Most of all there was honesty and courage. Who knew these last two would lead to the loss of two friendships? Another story for another time but let me just say this: always speak your truth and do not let others dictate your life or your choices (and be prepared for the fall out). I digress.

My friend Martha has been having a go at being a professional photographer and we figured a South Texas trip to Marfa and Terlingua for some night photography would be a good way to spend our time together. She found an airstream rental outside of Marfa and a teepee rental in Terlingua's ghost town. We found the most perfect burrito at Marfa Burrito  and got a bit of a sunburn while trying to figure out the outdoor installations at The Chinati Foundation.  We listened to the coyotes at night and drank wonderfully strong coffee from REI tumblers we found in the airstream's cupboard. (I mention the REI tumblers because I fell in love with those discontinued not available anywhere 6 oz double walled tumblers in hopes that one day someone will have those exact perfect tumblers sitting in a box and will want to send them to me. Stranger things have happened.) We discovered that the famous porch in Terlingua is an actual porch, watched a music video being created and discovered vinyl teepees could also be used as slow cookers.

A Mexican American among Mexican metal art from Mexico

Forgotten prop
Marfa, Texas

Martha in Marfa
Chinati Foundation, Marfa, Texas

Milky Way
1st hour attempting night photography

the porch
Terlingua, Texas

Teepee in Terlingua


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